1 August 2011

JUXTAPOSITION; Analogy – Making the Strange Familiar

JUXTAPOSITION:: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect
ANALOGY:: a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification


Black and White, Its an opposite colours that cannot be harmonize together. How ever, is this picture. Its represent good and evil. Its work like "Yin and Yang". Sometime there are goodness in bad, and there are bad in good. Like Malay people always said, "dalam setadan pisang itu, takkan lah semuanya busuk". Just like the picture. Even though the black cereal in "some people say" bad colour not to mention its taste, its actually bring goodness to our healthy

Peace and War, children (civilian) and soldier. Both are opposite effect, no matter which aspect you look at to. How ever, the juxtaposition is you need battle ti gain peace, you need children (civilian) to become soldier. This is because the process. Even thought you said battle only picture guns and tanks, actually NO. Fight for democracy also a battle to gain piece. You even think that children is not appropriated to be soldier. Eventually, they do. This is because they want to protect their country or even fight for their country like American's Marines did.

People always believe there is no way, fire (light) and water work together. Ever wonder a world without light? even sun's light. What will happened to Humanity? Can a single person survive in a planet that has no water at all? The Juxtaposition in side this two are, yes both of them are and opposite element. Water is superior then fire. Even so, both of them are life support to humanity. Without neither of em, I doubted humanity can survive.


A lot of people think straight and did not take chances to re-think, think more, think over and think creatively. To me, when you think outside the box; you can actually find out the relationship between nonsense to be make sense. That is a crucial thinking to a person who wanted to make impossible turns to possible.
Ahmad Shafiq


for me, juxtaposition is something that we think never can be created or exist.. we never try it before and we don't really know the result.. we have to think out of the box to create something new that will open the eyes of the world.. change their perception about things.. change is nature so don't be scared to change..
Athirah Azhar

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